Monday 23 July 2007

White teacup poodle - 白佛女

呢位小朋友係一隻white teacup poodle bb女. 佢亞爸係Icy (好靚仔有縮水Popcorn之稱). 佢亞媽係KiKi (靚女一名). 佢係5月24号佛誕出世所以別名叫佛女.

Tomorrow 佢足2個月大, 而家Betty姐姐好細心照顧緊佢. 係度我祝佢健健康康活活潑潑.


Anonymous said...


Honeybeans said...

Popcorn :
Does she look like a sheep? I think so.... Hahaha.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i'm cha cha ah..hope u can get her back home as soon as possible. Honey seems ng like the new sheep wor..ha ha ..becaues the sheep need share u r love with honey..and blackbeans

Honeybeans said...


In fact my mammy doesn't intend to bring her back home that soon. She is only 2 months old and mammy wants to bring her home when she is at least 5 months old.

Of course, Honey and myself will love her as much as we could.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations for having the 3rd bb girl!! She is very cute and active at her age. Next time you can have a boy ga, boy poodle is fun too!! :P