Friday 27 July 2007

Nikon 鏡 - Sigma 30mm f1.4

Mammy呢排成日心思思想買大機玩再加上魔鬼家族既靚靚相, 真係好難捍衛呀.
今日mammy D同事又帶左支新lens返工引mammy呀....不過又真係影得幾靚..區區果一部玩具車 & toilet key 己經可以影到咁.. 如果係我同亞Beans就不得了啦 哈哈哈..... Mammy你都係難逃魔掌喇.


Dra said...

oh.. 終於都買左la?? 快D幫honey and beans影番個寫真集la...

Anonymous said...

Honeybeans mammy no need to consider la. Just go and buy buy buy. You know your cost of buying those DSLR and lens will be share by 3!!! (so it is lot cheaper per doggie hahahaha) Sigma 30 1.4 is a very good lens which I am also using. buy! buy! buy! devil you! devil you! devil you! XDDDDDDD

Anonymous said...

honey and beans ma 放左二日假, 你應該去買左cam啦?? 如果仲未買, 下個星期尾好去買啦, 嘩哈哈...或者叫devil family同你一齊去睇呀..哈哈..我地熱切期待等緊你買機呀....記住會有人勁hard sell你要買埋乜鏡物鏡架啦...嘩哈哈

cha cha ma

Honeybeans said...

茶茶ma, 我mammy已經义左半隻腳入去Devil Club 啦...入得呢個會預左有大把devil 既 voices 啦.