Friday 8 June 2007

新朋友 - Barbie Leung (細契)

Hello Barbie & Barbie 媽,

No need to say sorry..... it is not a problem and in fact I was very happy to see the photo of Barbie and Popcorn. I can tell that they were both very happy......
Barbie 好靚女呀 等我介紹吓啦 :

呢位係Barbie,又叫梁巴閉或者細契.佢係one of 唐仁谷既 girl friend.

跟住呢位想信大家都識, Popcorn 又叫唐仁谷或者劉仁谷(哈哈哈), 佢係我同細契既honey.

跟住係我自己, honey 又叫余的的 或者大契. 我都係one of 唐仁谷或者劉仁谷既girl friend. 佢有好鬼多girl friendso 家. 所以我同Barbie成日要睇實佢. 我地3 個一齐頭岳岳幾一至...一家人o麻

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